Our Services

Hearing Disorder Services

Hearing Disorder Services

Patients who suspect something is wrong with their hearing should visit kotli healthcare center. Help is available for people with all types of hearing loss. Treatment depends on both the cause and severity of the deafness.

Sensorineural hearing loss is incurable. When the hair cells in the cochlea are damaged, they cannot be repaired. However, various treatments and strategies can help improve quality of life.

There are  several types of hearing aid. They come in a range of sizes,  circuitries, and levels of power. Hearing aids do not cure deafness but  amplify the sound that enters the ear so that the listener can hear more  clearly.
Hearing aids consist of a battery, loudspeaker,  amplifier, and microphone. Today, they are very small, discreet, and can  fit inside the ear. Many modern versions can distinguish background  noise from foreground sounds, such as speech.

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