Ear Pressure Pain
Ear pressure pain arises due to pressure changes inside the ear. Within each ear is a Eustachian tube, which is an auditory tube connecting the middle ear to the throat and nose and it also controls ear pressure. Blockage to the Eustachian tube due to any reason can affect pressure regulation inside the ear, leading to ear pressure pain.
Differences in pressure between the external environment and the inner ear also cause ear pressure pain. For example, altitude changes such as while flying in an airplane or while scuba diving, result in external pressure exerted in the spaces inside the ear. You may also experience mild ear pressure pain inside the elevator or while driving up the mountains.
If pain due to changes in ear pressure occurs only occasionally with improvement in symptoms after pressure is equalized, it is not something to worry about. However, frequent ear pressure pains can lead to further complications inside the ear and must be treated by a qualified doctor.